Saturday, November 5, 2011

Frijol con puerco, and other musings

Tonight we're having one of M's favorite Yucatecan dishes, frijol con puerco.  Luckily for us, the ingredients are not hard to come by.  And luckily for us, it's not a very complicated dish.

You see, I'm not a great cook.  So much time in Yucatan, and I didn't pay a lick of attention to how the hubs's favorite dishes are made.  It's a travesty!  Some of the most aaaahmazing dishes (or as they say, "gastronomic delights"-- the word "gastronomic" kind of gives me the willies, but anyway) come from Yucatan, including my favorite, cochinita pibil.

Generally speaking, most housewives in Yucatan (I can't speak for the rest of Mexico, so someone else can chime in here) have a repertoire of recipes that they make in a week.  Mondays are for frijol con puerco.  Since we moved a bit closer to Pittsburgh, we're pretty close to a decent tienda Mexicana, Las Palmas. Last night the hubs made a trip and bought a half a pound of carne al pastor, which is pork marinated in chiles and achiote.  Yeah, I pretty much ate the whole half pound.  Yum!

One of my very favorite dishes is queso relleno, but I don't think it's specifically from Yucatan, though I may be wrong.  I've only had it twice, and I crave it!

Back to cochinita pibil: while I don't advocate shooting a chef that does an amazing job cooking cochinita (a la Johnny Depp in "Once Upon a Time in Mexico"), I have to say that the verrrry best cochinita I've ever had was in my husband's town, made by Don Pichi of the Restaurante El Farolito.  If you're ever passing through Buctzotz, Yucatan on a Sunday morning, it's a MUST HAVE!

Don Pichi, working at his restaurant, El Farolito

Since I love food, I'm sure I'll be writing plenty of more posts on wonderful Mexican food.

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