Wednesday, May 2, 2012

If you've got it, flaunt it. Or don't.

I have a beef with something, specifically, hoochie mamas.  I'm all about people flaunting what they've got, but I think you have to draw the line somewhere, specifically, posting nasty pictures on Facebook.

How about a little background:
There are men from my husband's town who now live and work in the U.S., but are friends with girls on Facebook who are still in Mexico.  Said girls are constantly flirting with said guys on Facebook, and I can see said flirting on my wall.  It's fine, I just ignore it. Untillll I see this:

I don't want to see this shit on my wall.  It's gross.  I'm not friends with this girl, but by virtue of her tagging my friend, it showed up on my wall.  And it's probably also on a million other people's walls.

Cut to the comments section, where there's a rather graphic conversation going on about how he won't ever leave his house if he has that.  She and he go back and forth, getting more and more nasty until she finally says that it's all for him and she's going to send him more pictures to his phone.

Really.  Just...stop.

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